Inside Sleeve – One Week of Musical Focus
Hey everyone! It's been a week since I started my little experiment of listening to just six artists. It feels like finally getting to know that interesting regular at your local coffee shop. I'm noticing all these little details I've missed before - subtle rhythms, clever lyrics, hidden gems in the production. The music's really growing on me in ways I didn't expect.
One of you pointed out that I'm not the first to try this. Apparently, there's a YouTuber named Brandon Shaw who's done something similar. His take? "I'm listening to music more intentionally, and I'm loving every aspect of it."
Why not give it a shot yourself? Your ears might thank you for the change of pace.
Tuesday Trends – Be special for the special
So, I was at my cousin's wedding this week, and instead of debating cake flavors, we ended up chatting about social media strategies. (Yes, we're that kind of family.)
The big question was: How do you balance being authentic with playing the social media game? It's tricky, right? There's pressure to be personal and consistent and create viral content. But catering to too many casual listeners might dilute that special connection with your audience.
MIT researcher Nancy Baym suggests it's about finding a balance - building special connections without becoming overly transactional. It's the long game, focusing on genuine relationships rather than chasing viral moments.
Remember, building that special connection with special people takes time. It's about quality over quantity and nurturing those real connections. A bit like great loyal long time friends you want to invite to your wedding.
Random Reflections - Birds of a Feather
Words have consequences, and since I started the challenge I kind of forced my girlfriend into listening to Billie Eilish as one of the six august artists. I didn’t expect her to fall head over heels for a new song, in this case “Birds of a Feather.” She’d only known Billie from the Barbie soundtrack, but now she can’t stop listening on repeat. There’s something irresistible about Billie’s voice on this track. It has that delicate, slightly broken quality that feels both intimate and profound. She says it makes her want to go out take long walks, stare at the ocean or meet new people. There’s a sense of soaring—like the feeling of flight—embedded in the music, making you feel weightless. It’s a song that lets you feel light, even if just for a little while, amidst the weight of the world.
If you tried the experiment too and stumbled on a new favorite, I would love to hear.
Stay tuned,